Thursday, January 18, 2007

Sales Tax, Gambling and Chutzpah

I'd like to extend a very personal and heartfelt FUCK YOU to Apple Inc. for charging sales tax on out-of-state online purchases. What gives? That's why you buy stuff online, so you don't have to pay goddamn sales tax. But order anything from and the assholes charge you sales tax. So fuck Apple for their compliance and fuck the federal and state governments for taking a taste of something they had jack shit to do with. Praise be to all other online merchants who do not charge sales tax, such as Amazon.

Of course, it can be argued that a more tangible tax is preferable to the hidden ones we pay on absolutely everything we buy. Why? Because you know you're being taxed. (a devil's advocate arguement I suppose) Roll the tax into a single figure and people don't care so much. This is the Pissing-People-Off-Will-Help-Them-Resist argument. It's not an easy one to support, but I can see the logic.

I'd also like to extend another heartfelt FUCK YOU to Potawatomi Bingo and Casino for their shitty, dewey-voiced radio ads boasting how much taxes they pay to the "community" (whatever the hell that is) like they're some goddamn humanitarians. You know, all the money for fire trucks and roads and baskets full of kittens for crippled children. My goodness, how could we ever live without fucking taxes!? We'd all surely die! Those people throwing what's left of their paychecks into the casino so it can be turned around and sent back to the government, those people are helping keep our community going don't you know? Taxes are the life blood of humanity! Ahhhh!

It's poetic justice when the descendents of violently overthrown native americans form gambling havens to voluntarily pick the pockets of Whitey, but to boast and gloat about how much tax revenue they're generating for Whitey's government makes me sick. That's one surreal, enigmatic sell-out if I ever heard one! Almost as bad as the enigma of a state who wants to ban online gambling on one hand and sponsor a lottery on the other! I call for all yiddish dictionaries to be ammended using this example in the definiton of "chutzpah"!

Yes folks, that gambling...ooh it's the Devil's tool it is! Sinful! Shame on you all for wanting to gamble! How dare you throw your money away like that instead of buying milk for your family! You should go down to the corner store right now and get that jug of milk for your poor doe-eyed wife and children! Straighten up and fly right, citizen! Oh and while you're there, make sure to pick up a few POWERBALL TICKETS! Odds of winning are only 1 in 300 million! Oh it will be so wonderful to fulfill your patriotic duty! Let the floors of our great state be covered with instant scratch off metallic detritus! Hooray!

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