Thursday, December 18, 2008

Northern USA: Shut Up About Snow Already

I'm sick and tired of people and the media crowing on and on about SNOW. Fer the love of mike, if you live in places like Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado and numerous other states where it snows…hello people: IT SNOWS DURING WINTER! Every damn snowfall is treated like a serious disaster. The tsunami - THAT was a fucking cataclysm. Thousands of people dead. Snowing in the midwest is normal, innocuous weather behavior, it's nothing to get worked up over. So you have to shovel, so going to work is slow, so your car goes into the ditch…so what? How long have you lived here anyway? The way people act around here you'd think they lived in Arizona their entire lives and just moved to Wisconsin. It snows in the winter, it happens every year. What is the big deal?

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