Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Horn Tooter

Now I'm not one to toot my own horn but I'm tooting my horn anyway and you will damn well like it. Or not. Eighty-nine peole and growing cannot possibly be wrong can they? When a lot of people like something, that makes it true. I'm pretty sure that how it works, aina? The point is, bringing laughter and levity to the world is what I'm all about. What can I say, I just love people. Well, some people at least. At least 89 people.

Unfortunately a proper threaded view in YT is a little hard to come by, but hopefully you'll get the gist. Actually I think it is a PEBCAK error, because some people reply to the root and some people reply to the comment even though the content of their comments is usually directed at a specific commenter's comment. I hope that sentence contained enough inadvertent alliteration to annoy you just slightly. The name you are looking for is spamsponge, that's me. Whatever you do, never use your real name on the internet, you'll get fired, the universe could blow up, or worse!

The point is, I rule. +89 Up votes. *pat pat, pat pat* Thanks to this direct injection of sarcasm, the voodoo practice of reflexology has been taken down a peg as confirmed by the Big Book Of Facts (2011 Edition). Huzzah!

This is my 2nd 15 minutes of (worthless) fame, the first being the Elemental Voice audiophile products, which brought levity and laughter to the world, including Israel which I regrettably can't read. This is more interactive, though. I love it when other people add to the riff. What can I say, I'm all about jazz. Oh wait no, no I'm not. But riffing neverthless. It doesn't HAVE to be that round robin everyone-take-a-solo jazz thing to count as riffing you know.

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