Thursday, March 15, 2007

Buckling to FDA pressure

I discovered why my favorite drug, Triaminicin was pulled off the market some years back. As usual, it's because of FDA heavies' threats. Oh I'm sorry, did I say threat, oh I meant to say "suggestion". Well you see, some women MAY have had strokes because of this drug, but the other billion people didn't BUT FUCK YOU EVERYONE ELSE WHO TOOK IT SUCCESSFULLY, FUCK YOUR RIGHTS! There's RISK involved! WE CANNOT HAVE RISK IN THIS SOCIETY! Everything must be SAFE! Humans can be made IMMORTAL with enough government regulation don't you know?!

Here, check out this link which doesn't work cause you're not a member of Medscape. What the heck, I dunno - it works when you click it from google, but not from here. You're on your own I guess. You'll figure it out I'm sure.

Poor sweet Triaminicin, I will miss you dearly. I still have one lone box with about four pills left. But now, by the wagging of the FDA's fists I am no longer free to buy a drug that works when I have a cold or allergy attack. Holy, sainted bureaucrats and their cronies will be making my decisions from now on. Just surrender your life to the State folks, they know better than you. They've never met you, they live thousands of miles away, but they are your fucking guardian angels. Don't fuck with them, they'll put the hurt on you. If you want to know what's good for your health it's deferring every judgement to the FDA gods, by shuffling their papers they will ensure you live a long and happy life.

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