Monday, March 19, 2007

Defining Half-Ass: The OS X 10.4.9 Eject Key Delay

So are you telling me you people accidentally actually hit the Eject key a lot? Hmph. I guess I must be super skilled cause this delay is a real bummer.

The real problem is obvious: the slimmed-down Mac keyboard. They want to be artsy and designy and so they had to make these cute little compact keyboards with the eject key right next to the sound volume keys which you probably hit more often. Not so smart. But hey, they're better than the old iMac keyboards which were a fucking joke.

The delay added with the 10.4.9 update is retarded. That is a half-ass solution if ever there was one. Gee, I keep hitting the wrong key! Oh I know, we'll just make that key not work...just yet. Oh, did you REALLY want to eject the disc? Well then, you better MEAN it and keep holding it down! Hang on now, wait for it...wait for it. EJECT! *whew*

Now here's a radical concept; put the eject key on the DRIVE. You know, where I am going to pick up the CD? I know, it's too crazy. The world is not ready for such things. Better that we have clumsy, crammed up keyboards and just delay the response time for all the mistakes you're bound to make.

Now, to look into how to disable this crappola...

Ahh now I's the laptop keyboards that are extra-touchy with the eject key. Well, I'm glad for ya'll, but this is still half ass. How about a nice PREFERENCE for this delay in the Keyboard system preference? Wouldn't that be nice? A choice instead of a mandate? Yes, people can make mistakes but I'd rather have INSTANT RESPONSE rather than this age old "Are You Sure?" horseshit! YES I am sure. I am ALWAYS sure even when I'm not, okay? You, idiot computer, do what I say at all times and do it NOW. Instantly! Not in a few milliseconds, not tomorrow, NOW.

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