Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Online Rudeness

Like bazillions of other people I occasionally like watching videos on YouTube. But what strikes me about the site (besides the incredibly poor video and sound quality, but hey you get what you pay for) is the complete and utter rudeness displayed. People's comments are more often than not extremely cruel, vulgar and nasty. I don't want to sound prudish, but the level of intelligence in many of the comments seems to be almost non-existent. My theory is that the degree of rudeness demonstrated in online communication is a result of a complete absorption in the virtual medium. This happens to me all the time too, and it should be something to watch out for. I would have expected less rudeness with YouTube considering there are often actual faces to put with the text, but instead the comments are even nastier than in strictly text based boards.

It is perfectly fine to accurately express one's emotions even if it involves anger and contempt, but in the back of your mind should be the thought, "Would I say these things to the person's face?" I can't imagine some of the youtube idiots being that crass if the communication was in the physical reality. There are better ways to insult and belittle a person that don't involve blatant hostility which often just makes you look bad. Not that genuine hatred and rage should be bottled up or censored, but rather focused in a concise beam.

1 comment:

Brother Theodore said...

Is that Portuguese? This was the what I got from Babelfish, but it looks kind of messy.

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Forgive my ignorance, unfortunately I am monolingual. :|