Thursday, January 31, 2008

Cumulus Crashed Without Corrupting The Database!!!

For the FIRST TIME EVER Cumulus Server took a dump and DID NOT CORRUPT THE DATABASE!!! This has NEVER happened before! NEVER! I was being super-careful and backing up after every addition almost and when it fucked up I knew I was only a couple records behind, but by a seeming mircacle the database was not red!!! WOW!

It seems that what's fucking it up is that there's two people modifying records, me adding and updating and another guy changing status on records. Gee a real tall order, two people working at the same time. Lame Canto, lame.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

No Escape

I want a computer with a true Escape key. An escape key which really works. They give you all sorts of buttons and commands to stop things in their tracks, but they don't work. I want the escape key to bring whatever action is in progress to STOP immediately. Not soon, not in 100 milliseconds, not after you're done doing whatever it is I told you to do before, NOW. INSTANTLY. The fire alarm is ringing and I don't care if you're in the shower, you have to leave NOW. A real escape key with no delay. We can only do this with computers but so often they fail to listen.

They told me you could cancel all print jobs by typing "cancel -a -" in the terminal. It doesn't work. The print job is still being sent. They gave me a trash can button on the printer. It said, "Resetting" It lied. it still wants to print. YOU CANNOT KILL THE PRINT JOB, IT MUST PRINT NO MATTER WHAT!!!

If you fuck up a print job you have to power down everything. There is no cancel, you made one mistake and you're dead. I don't know where the data is coming from, but the printer is getting something and it's bound and determined to print it.

Monday, January 28, 2008

If It's Too Loud You're NOT Too Old!

Are you sick and tired of shitty, blaring, over-compressed records? Not data compression, not MPEG or anything, I'm talking good old fashioned audio. Peak-limiting, where digital audio is slammed to the limit to make it louder. But at what cost? Well, by making all the loudest bits QUIETER and the quiet bits LOUDER. What does this do to the music? In moderation and on individual instruments compression can make it sound better. But it is NOT being used in moderation, it's being abused. The entire mix is being crushed to the max. So yeah it is louder, it's in-your-face, but it has no power, it has no teeth. It's not so much a buzzsaw blade as it is a fine sanding disc. They've robbed you of the sound of the real world and made it into this artificial, flat thing with all the life squeezed out of it. At best you'll just have lame-sounding albums of otherwise good music, at worst you'll prematurely wreck your hearing by beating your eardrums to death with this crap.

Loudness is good, but loudness without quiet is only a ying without the yang. Hopefully like-minded people can stem the idiot tide. These folks are fighting the good fight:

Turn Me Up!

The most vulgar and offensive thing about this issue is that it built on a fundamental lie; that listeners choose music based upon volume. This pre-supposes that all listeners are COMPLETE IDIOTS! Are you an idiot? I doubt it. Are your musical tastes based upon volume? I don't think such a person exists. There are many idiots in this world but I don't think anyone has ever bought a record based solely on how loud it was in comparision to another record. This is nonsense and anyone who promotes the idea that their record will not be as successful as band "X" because it's not as loud IS a COMPLETE IDIOT! That is a non-existent issue that absolutely does not work in the real world. It's absurd theoretical nonsense! It does not apply, everyone and their grandmother understands the concept of a volume control. Everyone knows that THEY control the level. I don't care how crappy your taste in music might be, but I do know that you aren't choosing what to listen to based on loudness.

These idiots act like making music is the same as competetive sports. This isn't the long jump or a car race, you don't achieve success in the music business because you are the loudest. You achieve it because people like the content. You achieve it for a myriad of reasons, but one of those reasons is NOT loudness. Record industry insiders might care about this shit, but the consumer just doesn't.

The existence of software controls to combat average level disparity between albums in iTunes is evidence that overcompressed albums are a PROBLEM and an ANNOYANCE to the user, not a positive benefit. People don't actually want huge jumps in average level between songs. They want a fairly consistent baseline. That doesn't mean a string quartet has to be as loud as a rock record, it just means that people get spooked when something comes on that blows down the walls and they have to scramble for the volume knob.

So what is your loud-ass mastered record reduced to when the consumer takes things into his own hands with the volume knob and Replay Gain? A WEAK, QUIET RECORD WITH NO BALLS. Way to go music industry, you just did the exact opposite of what you wanted to do. You might as well go work for a federal agency! Sheesh!

You've already lost the race anyway as Exit-13 already released the loudest track years ago, with a completely clipped, over-level noise bed, breaking the Redbook standard and having a warning label on the disc that it could damage your stereo. It was a silly stunt. They beat you. Great. Can we go back to the days of proper technique now? Thanks, sure do appreciate it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hooray For FedEx

Unprecedented! At exactly 8:09PM, yes PM, you know, when its dark out, I heard a knock at my door and found of all things, the FedEx guy! Wow! My package was scheduled to arrive today after a poorly-thought-out choice on my part to have it sent to my home address. (I thought I would be on vacation at the time, but I was wrong.) So I fully expected it to bounce whilst I was at work today and have him come 'round tomorrow again. But to show up at night, when I'm actually home, that's like a miracle! I was so caught off guard I didn't even think to give the guy a proper fruit basket or a slab of beer. I mean, the guy actually apologized thinking it was like a "late hour" or something! Wow, a super-convenient night delivery has never occured in my LIFE except for one time when I had something delivered by some obscure shipping service which cost a LOT. Too damn cool. This tears at the very fabric of society, wherein all service jobs seemingly cease at 5PM making it impossible for anyone who works 1st shift to get certain things done. It's like for a brief moment the world actually worked how I wished it would work.