Tuesday, January 29, 2008

No Escape

I want a computer with a true Escape key. An escape key which really works. They give you all sorts of buttons and commands to stop things in their tracks, but they don't work. I want the escape key to bring whatever action is in progress to STOP immediately. Not soon, not in 100 milliseconds, not after you're done doing whatever it is I told you to do before, NOW. INSTANTLY. The fire alarm is ringing and I don't care if you're in the shower, you have to leave NOW. A real escape key with no delay. We can only do this with computers but so often they fail to listen.

They told me you could cancel all print jobs by typing "cancel -a -" in the terminal. It doesn't work. The print job is still being sent. They gave me a trash can button on the printer. It said, "Resetting" It lied. it still wants to print. YOU CANNOT KILL THE PRINT JOB, IT MUST PRINT NO MATTER WHAT!!!

If you fuck up a print job you have to power down everything. There is no cancel, you made one mistake and you're dead. I don't know where the data is coming from, but the printer is getting something and it's bound and determined to print it.

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