Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Smoke Free Wisconsin

Fuck these assholes and their fascist radio ads I heard this morning. (A bad way to wake up lemme tell ya)

Hey, at least they're honest. Oh but doesn't "policy change" just sound soooo nice? Ahh, "policy change"...gee it almost sounds voluntary. Yes, let's jack up taxes for people who don't make the same choices WE make. That will fix everything! Oh and we care about the CHILDREN! It's always about the children! Quick, consult the stock photo library for shots of smiling children! Ahh yes, everyone has a RIGHT to tobacco-free air. What's that? You DO want to smoke on your own property? WELL FUCK YOU SLIM, WE'RE DO-GOODERS AND OUR RIGHTS ARE BETTER THAN YOURS! We are ridding the world of evil as we see it! Hooray!

If 2\3rds of Wisconsinsites truly support raising taxes on the Other Guy (which might be bullshit, these polls are always worded in such a bleeding heart manner no matter what it is. But it still "feels" right) then 2/3rds of Wisconsinites had better prepare for the day when big brother puts the squeeze on THEIR particular "vice". Americans are the biggest fucking hypocrites imaginable. For all our misty-eyed flag waving histrionics it's quite clear that most people don't give a shit about freedom. It's all just for show. MY freedom is correct, YOURS is wrong so here let's get the neighborhood bully to shake you down for your lunch money. That'll teach you.

Better hope you can keep a firm grip on that stick folks, cause once it gets loose you might be on the wrong end of it.