Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Work On A Local File MY ASS!

The advice bandied about in the publishing biz that one should always save a COPY of a network server document to your local hard drive, work on the file and save it, then copy it back to the file server is FUCKING BULLSHIT! That is 100% unacceptable. Then why have a fucking network where a group of people share files in the first place? It makes no goddamn sense. Yeah, let's have multiple copies all over the damn place! What's the most recent version? Who the hell knows? Uh...I think Bill worked on it last... What a mess.

If your software is corrupting documents by saving over the network then that's a BUG that needs to be CORRECTED. Telling people to play it safe with this copying back and forth bullshit is a total cop-out. Quark, Abode, Apple, Microsoft...you need to get your shit together. Asking us to not work with the central file server makes no fucking sense. FIX the fucking software so it works! This is an unacceptable, showstopper bug if documents are getting corrupted by basic network workflow.

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