Mr. Sad Pear is sad once again. But he is practicing his War Face…
Now I have to reach for the salve of headphones\earbuds and iTunes. Hey, I love listening to MY music, but usually when I want to, and not just to drown out some omnipresent ambient cacophony of mainstream dreck! The fan noise masks some of it, but of course there is NO escape once I leave the confines of my office. Although not evil in an objective sense, Muzak is the next most evil thing in the subjective realm. It just pisses me off that the useful PA is tied in with the Muzak. That's just cruel.
I remember my old job - crammed in a small room with a Muzak speaker directly overhead. If it were not for the gracious wall-mounted volume knob that situation would have been like a non-lethal poison gas shower. Can you imagine such horrors?
If I were smart I would have concocted a plan which would make it easy to quit my job at any moment. Just imagine having the financial freedom to tell your employer where to stick it. Instead I have to put up with this Muzak shit because the alternative is worse. But that does not stop me from fantasizing about smashing the amplifier with an axe, or getting a ladder and cutting the wires. What's wrong with us? Why do we need constant noise!?
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