Wednesday, May 2, 2007

The Epic Quest For A B-Spline Tool

Do you remember a company called Creature House? Of course you do. Remember an application called "Expression"? Of course you do, your grandma uses it everyday. It's a mostly useless little app if only because the curmudgeonly user was so set in his ways with this Illustrator shit. But they had a unique tool: the B-Spline! Joy! Make a wonky polygon shape and what's this...smoove curves result! Math majors know what this curve stuff is and can probably plot it with some equation that scares the hell out of me just to look at. All I know is that it's smoove. It probably has something to do with the word "log" or something.

This was long ago, in ancient times when I used this quirky little app. Now, aeons later on the Mac what the heck happened to Expression, aina? I'd like to get a B-Spline tool here if I could, please? B-Spline tool in Illustrator? Oh, too much to ask! Oh but CS3 is on the way...nope still no B-Spline. Sorry schmuck, maybe you should've hunted down the feedback submission form instead of losing it with your old bookmarks after the OS migration.

Anyway, it looks like Creature House was bought up by Microsoft and all the cool artsy shit was flushed. Then lo, a few googlings later and this sweet beauty shows up:

Freebie OSX Expression! With B-SPLINE TOOL! A Keyboard Shortcut editor! The shapes paste into Illustrator! Joy! You know how easy it is to draw a guitar pick\Leonardo DeCaprio's head now?

(he's only happy cause it hasn't crashed yet)

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