Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Hard Escape Key

I have to wonder how often people's blogs on Blogger get inadvertently flagged as being "objectionable" when really you just wanted to click on "Next Blog"? What a lousy place to put those two buttons! Which are you going to click more often? And what's more annoying is that when you accidentally mouse over "objectionable" a 'tooltip-like' message pops up that obscures what you really intended to click, the Next Blog button. Making mistakes is fairly easy with a computer, but undoing them should be quick. More often than not software punishes you for your mistakes by slowing you down. Instead of:

DO THIS! (Yes sir!)

you get:

DO THIS! (Yes sir!)
STOP DOING THAT NOW! (I can't hear you, I'm doing something!)
PLEASE STOP! I MADE A MISTAKE, ALRIGHT!? (I'll just keep doing that thing you asked)
*seconds pass*
(Okay, I'm done)
UNDO! (Yes sir!)

That's why I wish there were a HARD escape key that really really really worked. No matter what, you hit escape the software obeys and stops doing whatever it's doing and awaits your next command. These aren't people, so they can be treated brutally. I will say that Photoshop is generally pretty responsive to the Escape key. You can stop it from opening images you accidentally opened, filters you ran which are taking too long and you wanna give up, and other stuff. Unfortunately there's some things that feel they must run their course no matter what. The hard escape key should be dangerous, you should be able to make potentially data-lethal choices with it. Heck, put it under a flip-up protective cover if you must, but there should be ONE key on the keyboard which the the ultimate cease and desist.

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