Monday, May 21, 2007

One Size Fits None

The whole problem with politics and government (besides being crushingly dull and maddening) is that it is based on the idea that there can be a single system that satisfies all people within a geographic area. We accept the fact that humans come from all different walks of life and yet we want to be all the same.

It seems the only political office that people care about is the president. I guess if you just focus on the one guy at the top then it becomes much easier. That's probably why cultures have endured kings throughout history, because it was such a simple system. One asshole out of the bunch declares himself to be the greatest human alive and somehow manages to convince other morons to follow along with the game. It's simple and easy to understand even though it's completely absurd. Not only did humans invent imaginary gods to rule over their "spiritual lives" but they also invented fellow humans to act as gods to rule over their physical lives. What are ya gonna do, we're a flawed race. We'll figure it out eventually, but just not now. Like the Acid Orangutan song goes, "I've got no choice, but to fuck shit up"

So I happened to catch some of the presidential debate stuff on YouTube and was pleased to learn that Ron Paul was running for president. Like Michael Badnarik before him (although to a somewhat lesser extent) I saw an intelligent man telling the truth (which is usually unheard of in politics) who was the only guy I could possibly vote for. But then again, here's the problem - this is all about which ONE guy is gonna get the top seat. Why does it have to be that way? Why can't I have Ron Paul be my president and your guy can be yours? This is a comedic statement because we all know that it ain't like that, we have to FIGHT over which guy wins. It's a fight over whose choices trumps all other choices. It is inherently competetive like sports, but on a grand scale. You can't leave the stadium unless you want to live under water in the middle of the ocean. I figure the ocean is the only place on earth a person can go to be truly free from retarded laws. Once you set foot on land you've become someone elses' slave in some form or another.

It seems that as long as we're married to the idea of borders I think we need more of them to accomodate the array of political opinion. I'd be all for abolishing the United States and thinking of each of the 50 states as independent countries. Just nip off the federal part of it. The less centralized power is the easier it is to manage. People should probably be more concerned about their local government than the federal government. I figure a lot of little tiny governments is favorable to a single monster government.

Why shouldn't people be able to choose the laws they are bound by just as they can with any other decision? We have so much freedom in some areas of life but none in others. If you hate Wal-Mart you don't have to shop there. If you hate the idea of killing animals for food and clothing you can become a vegan. You can choose what job you want and what car you drive to get there. Or you can walk. But you cannot choose to keep the money you earn at that job. That is not one of your choices. So sorry, but this group of people is going to steal part of your income. Why? Oh, Essential Services! Like what, I don't use any of those! Oh well too bad you're paying for them anyway. We should look at taxation as being equally ridiculous as if we said that you must buy $10,000 worth of goods from Wal-Mart per year, or go to jail. Does it make sense to pay for something you don't use? If you need to call upon the police shouldn't you have to pay for it? Why should it be any different than hiring a plumber or carpenter to do some work for you? Last year I spent nearly 10 grand on a bunch of shit I don't even know about. If I worked for a year, saved up my money and then burned it on the compost heap in the backyard people would think I was insane. But that is exactly what I'm forced to do every day of my life with all the numerous taxes. If you WANT to burn your money on the compost heap you should be free to do so, but why threaten me to do the same?

The human race is not made of coral, it is not like a school of fish. We're not all the same. It is pointless to think that one person can act as the avatar for millions. Nevertheless, I heartily endorse Ron Paul for president. I don't agree with all of his issues, but that's okay. The guy at least wants to stick to the government's rules. I don't know if there's any logic in the idea of electing good people to fix a bad system, but it seems that's the best we can do. And wouldn't it be nice to have a president who can actually speak, unlike the knuckle-dragging hillbilly that's in there now?

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