Thursday, May 10, 2007

Farming out WHAT!?

This is the weirdest thing I ever saw...a company which apparently draws Photoshop clipping paths for you! What the hell???

I think if I had that job my eyeballs would fall out of my head! Can you imagine drawing nothing but paths for eight hours!? Yikes! I'm gonna have to put this up there with nursing home worker as one of the most undesirable jobs I can fathom. Okay no, that's not fair. I can understand the nursing home thing, you know, a love for humanity and all that shit, but cripes drawing paths!? For OTHER PEOPLE no less!? That's almost suicidal! I can tolerate drawing one or two fairly complex images in a row, but beyond that I start questioning the purpose of my existence. Granted, there is a satisfaction that comes when you finally select and blow out that background to perfect edges...but then the eye-watering tedium begins again and the honeymoon's over.

It's true, there is NO substitute for a genuine hand-drawn path; it's unquestionably Full-Ass as opposed to the close-enough-for-government-work Create Work Path from a selection cheat; but wow, to think that people would wanna do this job! Gotta wonder though, do they really do it by hand? Well, you can almost always tell...but still... It's a crazy, crazy world!

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