Friday, December 8, 2006

The Dark Heart Of Model Railroading

Fictional series television, which is of course truly representative of real life, has finally confirmed what I have suspected all along; model railroaders are morbid bastards with a lust for violent fantasy! They are not the kindly old men casually pursuing a harmless toy train obsession in their basements and attics as we've been led to believe. No, instead the light of truth has finally been shone on these sociopaths and their shameful practices. The inner 'Dark Heart' of their lurid hobby has now been exposed. I have suspected this dark heart all along, and finally my suspicions have been verified.

Although I don't watch the show myself, it has come to my attention that in episode 709 "Loco-Motives" of the TV show "CSI" (broadcast December 7th, 2006) a murdering modeler was building model dioramas depicting the horror and brutality of his crimes in miniature.

Although this is merely a TV show, it reflects what few people are willing to admit, that these men demand modeling products with blood and guts potential. Oh sure, they make you think they're all about historical detail and train nostalgia, but this is merely a mainstream facade hiding a far uglier and more dangerous underbelly. In fact a whole cottage industry has sprung up to conceal and propagandize the unaware public with millions of safe and innocuous modeling products. Their conceit is that this family friendly side is all there is.

But there is little more than these men truly desire than to act out their most morbid fantasies using foam, plastic, glue and paint. Brutally twisted train wrecks, burning buildings, mangled automobiles, piles of dismembered and decapitated human figures...all bathed in a sea of fake blood! These are their dark fantasies created on sheets of styrofoam and plywood. The morbid modeler acts as the God of his train layout; and not the loving kind of god, but a megalomaniacal beast inflicting inhumane punishments that would make even Job himself quail! Truly even the worst tyrants of history could not imagine the blackest dreams that dwell in the mind of the common model railroader!

The mainstream modeling industry is in complete denial of these ugly facts and thus fails to provide the imagery these sick perverts need to release their mental demons in a controlled manner. All they need is to see some blood dripping from the walls of a tannery or a few plastic cattle carcasses and their fantasy bloodlust would be sated. But no, the industry will not have it. Conceal this distastefulness with blue skies and puffy clouds, happy little buildings and green meadows! Under no circumstance are they to show death or suffering. This denial only serves to drive the modelers more mad and all the more willing to abandon their hobby knives for swords. The world shall truly know terror when thousands of model railroaders are pushed over the edge into a murderous rage. Fantasy and reality shall meet and many shall die. You will never know that your tragic death could have existed only on some weirdo's diorama. But now the corpses lying ripped apart in the streets are not made of plastic, they are our friends and family members.

The prophecy I tell is true, there will one day come a violent attack by these modelers if their dark dreams cannot be exercised in a fantasy setting! Beware!

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