Friday, December 29, 2006

FOR SALE: One Extra Large ACME Widget

Cosmetically it's in great condition but there are some operational issues to be aware of. This widget isn't for those looking for a flawless unit, but rather someone who isn't afraid of a little tweaking. It does work, but you will have to futz with it a bit.

*The Fantoozler Value gets stuck sometimes and you have to wiggle it before it spins up the Thingydoo.

*The indicator light for Six\Half-Dozen does not work although when switched you can hear the click sound. I do not know if this functions correctly or not, but personally I have never seen the difference between Six and Half-Dozen. Your mileage may vary.

*When first turned on the tip of the Zoozatz may be truncated, but the remaining length is fine. This can be remedied by pushing the Zoozatz Activator button a second time.

This may sound bad when you write it all down, but as you know the ACME Widget is a very beautiful piece which is why I was willing to put up with the bugs. The industrial design is like no other. If it really bothers you the Widget can be sent to an authorized ACME service facility for repair. I was going to do this, but never got around to it.

Also included:
Remote control
Divining rod
Schrazbat Motivator
Schrazbat Motivator gloves
original box

Asking price: $3.50
Shipping & handling: $1.280
Contact: brothertheodore
Dear Brother Theodore,

I'll take that ACME Widget if it's still available. I've been looking for one in that price range for some time now!

Does it come with the remote and Schrazbat Motivator?

-Dr. Nye Everson
Yep, the widget is still available! Yes, it comes with the remote and Schrazbat Motivator.

Send payment to
-Brother Theodore
I will send the payment out tomorrow. If possible could you send the Widget today? I'd like to get it as soon as possible! I'm a doctor, so I won't rip you off. Thanks!

I almost forgot to ask, are the gloves included as well?
Dr. Nye
Yes, as stated in the ad the gloves are included. I won't ship the widget until I have the payment though, I hope you understand.
-Brother Theodore
I guess that's okay. I will send payment shortly. Thank you!
-Dr. Nye
I have received the payment. Thanks much! I have shipped out the widget via SSS and it should be there within a week. Thanks again, hope you enjoy it!
-Brother Theodore
Dear Brother Theodore,
My sister is having extreme difficulty with the ACME widget. The Fantoozler Valve gets stuck and the thingydoo won't spin. Also, when she first turns it on the Zoozatz are cut off. I would either like a refund or let me know how to fix this problem.
-Dr. Nye
Well, this shouldn't come as a big surprise, Dr. Nye. These are both problems clearly stated in the ad. You just have to wiggle the Fantoozler Valve and the Thingydoo should spin up. It might take a little practice, but it will work. For the Zoozatz problem, just hit the Activator button a second time at it will start over.
-Brother Theodore
So...I assume you're saying, "Eat shit and die, scumbag!!!" right?
-Dr. Nye
No, I am not saying 'eat shit and die' I'm saying 'caveat emptor'. I made it known that this widget wasn't fully operational. I have been using this widget myself for three years and the issues just take some getting used to.
-Brother Theodore
Usually the people I deal with on are a little more honest. You made it sound like it was no big deal, well it IS a big deal. It's a HUGE friggin' deal! My sister is in tears! She wanted this widget for so long and now her heart is broken thanks to charlatans like you! She can't even get the Thingydoo to spin at all! Thanks a lot for dumping your useless piece of junk on me, asshole!

Ohhh, just WAIT 'til I leave my feedback on! You are gonna get it then, jackass! We'll put scammers like you out of business! How can you sleep at night when you totally rip people off like this!? I hope you rot in hell!
-Dr. Nye
I am sorry to hear you are having problems, but these are the exact same problems I said the widget had. I have told you how to fix them but you don't seem to want to listen.
-Brother Theodore
What are you talking about, you sold me an Extra Large ACME Widget for $3.50! And now it doesn't work! You should be in jail! AAAARRRGGGH!!!
-Dr. Nye

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