Saturday, December 2, 2006

Enough Already With The Military Worship!

Folks, I hate to break it to you, but the US Military is not responsible for your freedom. Enough already with the military worship! It's getting silly. Put your flags down for a second and think how ridiculous this idea is. People with guns trained to kill people and blow stuff up, (all funded by a coercive tax system) cannot possibly liberate the human race from any manner of oppression. Ideally, they could protect people from attack. This is known as defense. But the federal government does not know what defense is, they only know what offense is. Big difference. Governments cannot give you freedom, at best they can protect it, but more often they take it away. Governing something and freeing something are very much at odds if you ask me. To regulate and control people is not making them freer, it's making them far less free.

Why not have your warm and fuzzy feelings about peaceful people who offer something of value to the world? You know, people like you and me who go to work everyday? People who create stuff? Wouldn't that make sense? Why not have warm and fuzzy feelings for scientists, teachers, authors, entrepeneurs and such? I am writing this very text as a result of the voluntary efforts of innumerable people with positive, peaceful intentions. Not the US military. Some guy firing a machine gun thousands of miles away did not enter into the equation of me gettng my free butt out of bed this morning. The emotion is misplaced.

If any men with guns made us free today it would have to be the revolutionary army who fought off the British. And that wasn't a government army. That was plain 'ol armed people rising up against an oppressive state. We need to get back to being plain 'ol people and not Citizens of a State.

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