Monday, December 4, 2006

A Near-Pointless Clarification

The origin of Brother Theodore was from a doodle I made at work one day of a monk. After rendering him in color I came up with a name for the digital file. "Brother Theodore Leaves The Priesthood" seemed appropriate. Later I posted the artwork to my website. I later came to learn from a Yugoslavian admirer of the artwork that in years past there was a comedian named Brother Theodore who apparentlyperformed very black, morbid humor. For the record, my creation and this man are unrelated. Theodore just sounded like a monk-like name to me at the time. Not a tremendous amount of forethought goes into these things.

I have in my mind's eye a complete scene surrounding this rebellious figure, but sloth and daily life have conspired against making it reality. (lame excuse)

I guess this cartoon image has become somewhat iconographic and even representative of myself. His expression is calm while his hand gesture is offensive. He stands steadfast against the blowing wind. He has a very large nose and awkward feet. Flopped, it all falls apart. (bloody typical) Okay, so that has more to do with my drawing (dis)ability. I'm no psychologist, but perhaps this is representative of a 'passive\aggressive' personality. Who knows? All I know is that I like it. He deserves his own plush toy don't you think? Cripes, that whole Japanese toy craze you see in the pages of Juxtapoz magaine has got every last little artists' character turned into a plastic toy. A lot of them suck I must admit, but that's just me. Bird-flipping monks are definitely going to be the next trend. I'm a marketing genius, I just know!

So there it is, that's the story. Exciting, aina?

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