Saturday, December 2, 2006

Let's See How This Thing Works...

Hello, I'm Brother Theodore. (hint: it's actually a pseudonym) The truth is, I hardly know what a blog is. I am just blundering ahead, pushing buttons and clicking links with little forethought. My thoughts starting this were: "What's with this blogging thing? Where are blogs hosted? Who the hell reads them? How do I start writing my own blog anyway? I want to add to the mountain of garbage too!" As it turns out, the internet is crushingly easy to use. These thoughts occured three minutes ago, and here I am already! Nutty.

Anyway, back in my day you signed up with an ISP, got your lousy 5MB of web space and then you made a crappy web page with all sorts of stuff in it that hardly anyone besides you and your immediate friends and family cared about. If even they could humor your verbal diarrhea for more than a few visits. Perhaps blogging is a similar situation, minus the obnoxious web design. Cripes, I remember the days of sweating over beveling buttons in Photoshop...good grief!

In a way my own website had turned into a blog of sorts, (assuming I am correct in my assumption of what a blog is) since I had become so utterly slothful in updating the content of it, I was reduced to just adding new thoughts to the index page alone. Sad, yet true. So perhaps this blog thing is a more efficient vehicle for publicizing internal thoughts out into the vast wasteland of text.

I shall see...